2025 Supporters

We have made it our life mission to give captive bred lions a sanctuary, a forever home where they can live as naturally as possible with dignity.

Our to-do list is always expanding. The more big cats we take in, the more things we need to do to keep Love Lions Alive Sanctuary going, the more costs we have to cover. We could not do this without the supportive generosity of our donors, for whom we are extremely grateful.

Love Lions Alive NPC is a registered Non Profit Company NPC 2017/242037/08, Non Profit Organisation NPO 263-911, Public Beneficiary Organisation PBO 930061786, Sanctuary 19/A31270 with a TOPS Permit R84/710720001089 based in the Free State, South Africa, that provides sanctuary for big cats unable to live unsupported in the wild. We are able to provide donors with a Section 18A PBO Tax Certificate, valid in South Africa, on request.

Direct Deposits – To make a donation by Direct Deposit please pay into our Bank Account Name: Love Lions Alive Sanctuary, Bank Account Number 4092510855, Branch Name Harrismith, Branch Code 632005, Swift address ABSAZAJJ, Reference: Your name/Cat name (if sponsoring a particular cat, if not then your name only). You may need our registered address 29 Hamilton street, Harrismith, Free State, 9880, South Africa and our bank address ABSA Building, 45 Struart Street, Harrismith, 9880, South Africa. Thank you for your support, we cannot do the work we do without it.

Legacy/Will GiftingYou can include a gift in your Will to support our work, dedicated to bringing back Nature. For more information please contact Andi.

“I will give a safe haven to any big cat already existing in captivity whose quality of life can be improved by coming to LLA, but I cannot watch new big cats being created to live behind fences.” 

Thandi (Andi) Rive


We have created categories of donations for simplicity. These donations can be made monthly, or in one or multiple sums throughout the year. The total accumulated donated for the year determines the category. All figures are in $ (US Dollars).

Green - Up to $99
Blue - $100 - $999
Silver - $1 000 - $2 499
Gold - $2 500 - $4 999
Platinum - $5 000 - $9 999
Diamond - Above $10 000

Jade - People who donate goods or services

With special thanks to our 2025 Supporters

A special mention and huge thank you to Carol and Brad Mitchell (USA) for their generosity and support over the last few years.






Special thanks to:

Ana Alcalde (Phoenix and Isibindi)
Carol Mitchell (Umbhali x3)
Cindie Ambar
Dickie Duursma (Diya x3)
Donna Jefferson (Joy)
Eliza Kajanus (Cecil)
Fiona Deane (Odin)
Krista Reynders (Carl and Nahara)
Mark Ferry (Umbhali x2)
Neela Alla (Taai)
Paul Foulger
Pietro PJ Danby (Beau and Igor)
Rupert Schaller (Taai)
Simon Philpott
Susan Harrison (Joy x7)
Yolandi Smith (Phuku)

Thank you for your continued support over the last few years!



Deryck van Steenderen of Wild World Impact Ltd for our new website.

With special thanks to our 2025 Volunteers

Our volunteers are part of the backbone of our organisation and we are extremely grateful to them for helping us to keep LLA alive and well.

A special thank you.

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