Born: 23th of August 2016
Arrived at LLA Sanctuary: 11th Sept. 2016
Lived with: Odin
Tawny Female
Parents: Unknown
Mulan was a female lioness who was born in August of 2016 and passed away in 2024. Mulan was a warrior princess who was rescued from a lion “petting” park after she had been discarded as a tiny cub due to the breeders not deeming her worth the effort. Love Lions Alive had been informed of the situation by a tourist who had visited the “petting” park and had noticed the discardment of cubs. Odin was also a cub that had been rejected by the breeders and Love Lions Alive rescued Odin and Mulan together. On arrival, Odin looked so much worse than Mulan, that we did not immediately realise how severe her condition was. She had been severely constipated and had not been getting nutrition. It took 2 days until we were able to relieve her of her constipation and until she would latch to her bottle. We had to medicate, feed and care for Mulan and Odin to keep them alive. Once they were big enough, we stopped walking with them and left them to live together as two very happy young lions. Mulan was spayed as soon as she was old enough so that this partnership could continue without fear of pregnancy. Love Lions Alive is completely against the breeding of cubs in captivity. Mulan lived a vibrant, energetic and playful life alongside Odin. The two lions loved each other dearly.
Mulan, you were, and will always be, a guiding light to Love Lions Alive. We ache with the loss of you but know that you are sprinting through the plains of heaven.
Rest in blissful peace, beautiful warrior girl.